Before It Makes Sense….

God is a supernatural God.  Often times you will be called to obey before it makes sense in the natural - that's what makes your faith - well faith.  Acts 9 tells the story of a man named Ananias who was obedient before it made sense.  Once he acted in faith, the Holy Spirit revealed to him the who, what, when and where he had been missing.  So many times in life you and I will have to obey and act and then wait on the physical evidence to catch up to what God is doing.


  1. Melinda on February 26, 2020 at 2:30 pm

    Love this Word!
    This is something that I needed to hear. I just asked for prayer at my life group last week in this area of my life!
    Thank you so much

    • sarahstephensadmin on February 26, 2020 at 4:43 pm

      Love you, Melinda! God is so good he gets us what we need right when we need it!

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