God doesn’t need normal

God does not need things to be “normal” in order to bless you.
There’s a man in the Old Testament, Jacob, who was the father of the 12 tribes of Israel. His father-in-law, a man named Laban, changed his wages on him 10 times in 20 years. He worked 7 years for his wife, was tricked on his wedding night into marrying the wrong sister, worked another 7 years for the girl he really loved, and then another 6 years building his father-in-law’s herds. His story is told in Genesis 29-35 and it’s a page-turner!
Every time Laban saw Jacob getting ahead, he’d try to change to the goalposts on him to carve out more profit for himself.
Here’s what Laban didn’t realize. God’s blessing was on Jacob from birth (Genesis 25:22).
When the hand of God is on you – His favor will follow.
Just about every family in the United States of America is in a season far from normal. For many, we can’t worship “normally”, we aren’t able to connect with friends and neighbors like we are accustomed, many are working remotely, and there’s an epidemic of 30-year-old women posting tiktok videos. Things are FAR from normal.
Rest in this friend. As abnormal as things around look – God’s hand is still on you and your children. I take courage in Jeremiah 1:5, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew and approved of you and before you were born I separated you and set you apart, consecrating you; as a prophet to the nations.”
Yes – there are things we need to do in the natural just like Jacob; work hard, be honest and faithful, honor the Lord. But here’s what we shouldn’t do – worry that God’s going to miss his chance to provide for us because everything around us is going crazy.
The crazier the atmosphere, sometimes the easier it is to spot the hand of God!
- If God can send ravens to feed his prophet in the middle of a famine, he can get your toilet paper.
- If God can get wise men on camels to Mary and Joseph with gifts and gold they need to escape to Egypt the next night with baby Jesus – he can help you find a new income stream for your business.
- If God can send angels to open the prison doors for Peter and John to escape from death, he can keep you safe from COVID 19.
God does not need things to be “normal” in order to bless you.